Q: How can I tell if I have mice?

A: Mice activity can be determined by the presence of droppings. Mice droppings are typically dark brown or black and resemble a grain of rice. Your pantry food product packages may look as though they have been gnawed through and eaten. Mice are nocturnal so you may hear or see them at night.

Q: Is it mice or squirrels in my house?

A: Mice are nocturnal creatures, and, therefore, are rarely seen by the homeowner. The most obvious indicators of their presence are droppings (1/8 - 1/2-inches long, dark and pointed at both ends), sounds of them running, gnawing or squeaking, or damage to stored food or materials used for nesting. Hearing noises during the day time could indicate a squirrel problem. Look for small holes that serve as entry points, generally high up and close to a tree (or tree branch) where they can leap onto your house. Roofs (or rooflines) and chimneys are common entry points.

Q: Why do I have mice?

A: Mice normally find their way indoors searching for food and to keep warm. Since mice have collapsible bodies, they can get into homes through cracks or holes smaller than a dime. They often live in hidden areas within garages, attics, lofts, and wall interiors at your home.

Q: How does Cooper control the mice in my home?

A: Our technician will carefully analyze the sources of your activity and place tamper-resistant bait stations accordingly. Common places for baiting include garages, beneath kitchen sinks, basements, and attics, but the technician may place them in other areas based upon what his/her evaluation and inspection reveals.

Q: Can the treatment hurt my kids or pets?

A: The baiting stations are tamper-resistant and designed to provide access for mice only. The technician will always take care in making sure that there are no bait stations placed within reach of children or pets. The process and locations will be described to you in full detail as they are placed so that you can be part of the decision. If you are not comfortable with any of the suggested bait station placements, the technician will not place them there.

Q: How quickly can I expect them to be gone?

A: It may take up to 1 or 2 weeks to see results. Since mice are curious animals, and they should investigate our bait stations within a few days. Mice that feed on the bait do not die immediately. It takes several days for the materials to work. If you see teal colored droppings, this is a sign that the mouse has ingested the bait and that it is working.

Q: Will the mice die in my house?

A: It is possible since when the mice eat the bait and start to feel sick, they want to be home in their nest, similar to how people are sick, they want to stay home as well. From our experience, a very small minority of cases have led to reports of dead "mice or odors."

Q: What happens if they come back?

A: If you are still experiencing mice activity 10 days after treatment, you can call our customer service department to promptly dispatch a technician.

Q: Is the service guaranteed?

A: Yes, our service is fully guaranteed for 90 days.

Q: Can I upgrade to a home service for other pests?

A: Yes, please call our office for details